How to collect royalties from non-interactive streaming services like, Pandora and other internet radio?

How to collect royalties from non-interactive streaming services like, Pandora and other internet radio?

For Performance (Sound) Royalties.

If you have your music streaming in the US on a US only service like Pandora you would need to sign up to SoundExchange to receive your performance royalties. 

If your music is used on a service outside of the US you would need to sign up to your Performance Rights Organization and in some countries you may need to sign up to your Neighbouring Rights Organization.

For Publishing (Composition) Royalties - including mechanical royalties -

Outside the USA
For the publishing royalties you will need to sign up to your PRO which in most countries will also collect your mechanical royalties. however, if in your country they do not then you will need to sign up to a Mechanical Rights Organization.

Inside the USA 
Sign up to a PRO and an MRO 

From China
Musicinfo collects and pays all available royalties from the non-interactive services and pays directly to you.