Spotify Discovery Mode for songs and artists

Spotify Discovery Mode for songs and artists

If your track qualifies for Discovery Mode, please contact us at and we will check your track for eligibility and activate it for Discovery Mode.

Discovery Mode is a Spotify music marketing tool that helps you find new listeners.

You indicate which songs are a priority for you. The Spotify system passes this information on to the algorithms, which compile personalised music sessions such as Discover Weekly and artist radios.

This increases the probability that prioritised songs will be recommended - but there are no guarantees. Of course, the whole thing only works if the fans like it and interact with the tracks accordingly.

You have at least 3 tracks that meet the following requirements:

  • Your track has been released on Spotify for at least 30 days.
  • The title must have at least 1 radio or autoplay stream in the last 7 days.
  • You have at least 25,000 monthly listeners. Spotify has determined that the Discovery Mode works best with an audience of this size or larger.

For Songs